Dr. So Naro supports the “Flowers for Peace” campaign and opposes the “Flowers Strategy” of convict Sam Rainsy.
Some indigenous people in Mondulkiri still maintain their ancestral customs of mixing corn and rice to cook rice.
Boeung Kanseng adds attraction with new zip line, where you can ride for fun and learn about indigenous customs
An ancient well has fed residents for generations, and it is rumored that there will be another Barami festival.
A hidden waterfall in Keo Seima district has a view that is as good as Bousra Waterfall Resort.
Residents of Kon Mom and Lum Phat districts, Ratanakiri province, will receive a new bridge to travel to and from various businesses.
អ្នកវិភាគហៅលោក សម រង្ស៊ី ថា ជា«ពស់ក្បាល២»និយាយផ្អែមពីប្រជាធិបតេយ្យផង និងនិយាយញុះញង់ពលរដ្ឋឱ្យធ្វើខុសច្បាប់ផង