40 years ago today, Samdech Techo Hun Sen was elected by parliament to lead Cambodia as Prime Minister.
"Mondul Jalsar Maha Senchey" is the first pagoda built in Mondulkiri province. The builder has an unusual history.
Understanding the traditional ceremony of moving into a new house among Lao people living in Ratanakiri province
The Governor of Mondulkiri Province provides financial assistance and other equipment to a poor family after their house was destroyed by a forest fire.
Samdech Tea Banh advises farmers in Siem Reap to sell meat, vegetables, and fruits without using chemicals for the health of consumers.
Svay Rieng Province will soon have a new large-scale tire manufacturing plant
who do not recognize the victory of January 7 are tantamount to supporting the Khmer Rouge regime and insulting the lives of millions of Cambodians who...